Saturday, December 19, 2009

Despite Republicans Best Efforst to Tank it - We are Finally Getting Health Care Reform!

GRR.. I'm just so aggravated I have to write a quick blog about it.

Let's put aside that asshole Lieberman, who I can't stand. Dumb dude proposes Medicare buy ins, then when the kills the public option (single handedly) and gets one of his own suggestions into the bill, he kills that too!

Now, we have a health care reform bill. Yeah, it's not perfect. I'm upset that we have no public option, however, it does go leaps and bounds in the right direction. We finally have , yes, ALL Democrats on board (or at least the 60 needed). That's right, no Republicans are on board. But um, they would be on board with NOTHING no matter WHAT came out of reform talks. Why? It's clear. Health care reform passing is something that will forever go down as a Democratic achievement. An important achievement that improves American life. The Republicans do not have much of anything lately to add to their achievements. Boo hoo for the Republican Party.

I can't even listen to their bullshit on the news. Talking about how this is such a horrible thing for America. Sorry, no .. it's a horrible thing for your pathetic whiny ass party of hypocrites!

You had your chance to do something about the issue when you were in control of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. Of course, you did nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The only thing the Republican's would be happy with is a bill that does exactly that.. zip, zilch , nothing!

This may not be very mature of me at this point, but I say SUCK IT Republicans! SUCK IT!

I'm getting what I voted for!

Oh.. and the "decline" in the backing of the health care reform bill. Gee.. why is that? Because you do nothing but bad mouth, lie and confuse the American public with your horse nonsense!

Ah.. I vented and feel better.

Disclaimer: My frustration is with the Republican party as a whole, not necessarily some individual Republicans I may know in my life. I found out yesterday from my Mom that my Dad was a .. gulp.. registered Republican .. AHH!! the HORROR! But I can't imagine he would be in line with much of what the Republican party offers today. Boy, I wish I could have a conversation with him now about politics, now that I'm more politically aware and have opinions.

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