Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I wish I Could Just Forget About it

Someone had said that I should just forget the "BS" referring to the political "BS" that I comment on a lot. It didn't and doesn't come from just one person or individual. Yes, I do make political commentary and link to articles a lot these days. But, I can't just sit back and not comment and not care. Not when that "BS" is causing stress and drama in my life and the lives of others just like me. As a matter of fact, I think that attitude has led us down the path to where we are today.

Complacency has been our problem for quite some time. The "you can't change it so why try" attitude. In the meantime, our country has been taken over by corporate interests and special interest. Just look at what is happening.

Health care reform, while we are closer and taking steps in the right direction, is not really going to be the reform we both need and a lot of us wanted. The majority of us knew what we wanted when we went to the polls and voted for our President over a year ago. He put it out there for us to hear and see. Health Care reform was job number one on his agenda. He laid out precisely what he wanted to accomplish and he quickly lit the fires under the Congress and Senate to accomplish just that. But, somewhere a long the way the majority became confused. But, who can blame them? They had the other side whispering sweet fear mongering rhetoric in their ears telling them that the government wants to kill granny, among many things. Those against health care reform, particularly the insurance industry and special interest, played on Americans' weaknesses; particularly our ignorance to world outside the borders of this country and the ways of Europe and even our neighboring Canada. They played on that ignorance by manipulating, twisting and out right lying about how health care is in other parts of the world. They even tapped into the older generations "fear" of this country suddenly becoming what Russia once was with talk of evil socialism and communism taking over this country. Ad nauseum. Never mind that that generation will soon be living off of "evil socialistic" policies.

It appears that the propaganda worked hook line and sinker as we now have less favorable feelings toward any health care reforms that Obama is, was and has been working to get passed. As a result we are left with a bill that, while taking very small baby steps in what I hope is the right direction, is NOT what we really needed nor voted for when we elected Obama. That is not really Obama's fault at all. Actually he has accomplished far more than any of his predecessors were able to , and he did it in such a short time. Yet, the bill we do get seems to have benefited the same interest we were all voting to put down a few notches and the ones that ultimately have caused a large portion of our problems with health care. The insurance companies are having a field day with this reform. Just look at how their stock has surged in the days following the announcement of a "compromise" of the Senate Bill. I do believe a majority of those in the Senate and the House were truly ready to pass reform that we need, only it wasn't the majority that we needed.
Public option and a medicare buy in was removed. I was all for the mandate, as long as their was a not for profit government option offered on the table. Now there isn't. Instead, we are all going to be forced to pay for private insurance. I've even read that the consumer protections were watered down in the bill in order to reach a "compromise" with those that were obstructing the bill. Republicans completely obstructed because not one would get behind the bill. And yes, there are obstructionist on the Democratic side, hence the "compromise" needed to get the 60 votes. So , yes, some in the Democratic party are also guilty of the same thing I chastise all Republicans about.

So, while we may have taken very small baby steps, it won't be enough. One up side is that we don't have to wait another 10 plus years before we make strides in health care reform again only because I do not think our screwed up system can sustain that much longer the way it is. Perhaps this reform will slow it down a bit. I see one of two things happening. The first, and worst case scenario, is that the system will get far worse before we wake the hell up and REALLY reform it and take it out of the hands of special interest whose only interest is lining their pockets. Or, this reform could further illuminate how right the left is about issues on the health care issue and loosen up the resistance to making the REAL and necessary changes we need to have going forward.

To my mom and all those that have told me "well you can't change it so why get youself upset".. yes, you are right. Alone, I can't change it. However, if everyone has that attitude we are only going further into the abyss and turning our country over to those that WILL change it but NOT for the better of the people, but rather the better of their pockets. So, what does that mean for me in the next four years.

Everyone wants to crucify this President for our problems, but let's face it. The last time we had a democrat in office we had a surplus, we were at a time of peace. We get Republicans at the helm and what do we have. Well, we've had tax breaks for teh wealthiest of Americans, without cutting government spending. Instead we've increased government spending with not one but two wars (one justified, the other only justified by what are now known as lies). We've had the government turn a blind eye to banks running amok, all int he name of "deregulation" and "smaller government" only to have those same banks screw the people in about three different ways.

So, to people who tell me to not worry about the " BS" and just focus on my family, man, I wish I could. But not having paid attention has caused me so many problems that it's making my life difficult and unable to enjoy my family. Why? Thanks to the recession our income has been cut by at least 50%, we've had to sell our house short or risk loosing it to foreclosure, I've lost my insurance due tot he inability to pay the ridiculous premiums and have ended up lapsing in coverage only to now fall under the infamous pre-existing condition clause which is basically trapping me in uninsured status for well over a year now. When I went to find a job in order to get medical coverage, can't find one because no one is hiring (as a matter of fact, they are all downsizing). Not to mention, all the above forced me to use some credit cards to get by now and then only to have my interest rates jacked up to nearly 30% (when I was about to lose my house) despite having paid MORE than the minimum balance AND on time during that time period. In the end I've been victimized by the banking industry, the crappy market all around, the insurance industry and the Credit Card industry. I can no longer sit back and take it up the ass from big business and corporate interest. We've become a corporate fascist nation and that trend needs to be reversed in a big way. I'm all for getting myself out of my messes, but it's impossible when you've got big industry and the laws that protect and award them at everyone else's expense.

I will, at least, try to forget my problems for the next week and try to enjoy the holidays with my family and my son. But , rest assured that on Jan 2 I will be back in full force trying to voice my opinions and be heard so that my life and those of people like me can improve and we can all once again enjoy our families without the economic stress of life.

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