Monday, September 13, 2010

A Little venting today.. allowed every Once in Awhile

Uggh.. what a day. Nothing happened really, but I suppose that is why it's been an uggh day. .. Because nothing happened..and I'm waiting for something to happen.

I'm waiting for the ex to do something with the papers he received. Either he's going to agree to the very reasonable terms, get an attorney to tell him how lucky he is I'm not going for more (because I so could), or refuse to sign all together and take it to a judge. Question is, how long do I wait for him to sign the thing or not sign the thing? He could drag it on forever and my attorney didn't quite put a time limit on it. Which reminds me, need to call him tomorrow. I want to be done with this already.

Which brings me to my other thoughts on my mind today. My phone was not ringing which was disappointing. Applied for what looks like a really cool job in the Valley last week and right up my alley. It would make going to a full-time-work-for-someone-else job totally worth it, at least according to it's job description and location (my favorite local mall) It's right along the lines of what I'm going to school for.

And yeah me.. straight A's in school...but no school work this week because Fall quarter doesn't start till October 4th. That just leaves me feeling like I won't be making any progress for three weeks.

Politics are on my mind too. Finally watched Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" yesterday. All that I felt, he pretty much expressed in that film. What I don't get is how the rest of the country is so unaware that they are being bought , paid for and manipulated by the wealthy few that control this nation. We are for the big Corps (and Wall Street) by the Big Corps and Wall Street. It amazes me how anyone that votes Republican doesn't see that they are voting against their own best interest. Hello America , we are the 97% yet you vote in the economic best interest of the 1% of the nation. Umm..unless you plan on being some Wall Street goon like those guys or a famous actor /actress or Sports star (and those guys are mostly Democrats anyway! right on!) you will never be in that 1%. Stop kidding yourself and stop kissing rich CEO goons asses by voting for Republicans that want to give THEM .. the ones that need it the LEAST.. the tax breaks. Uggh.. wish there were emoticons on this thing..I'd put a big head slapping one right here! And now, the GOP is being hijacked by the Tea Party. Hey, some of their gripes I get.. but where they lose me is that they seem to worship Glen Beck (uggh puke) , Rush Limbaugh (puke some more) and Sarah Palin (just shoot me). Some of their notions are good.. yes the government needs to stop spending so much money cause they do on a lot of crap.. like bailing out rich people! But, they are wrong on other things.. like that Obama is Hitler or that we need to do away with Health Care Reform. Yes, we should stop cow towing to Wall Street, but no we (meaning the government) need to step in and take care of our own people in regards to health care and the screwed system we live in. And, the people that are speaking to news cameras at your rallies are not helping your cause any.

Yes, the economy is in the toilet. But hey America it took 8 years of shitty Bush and Republican control and maneuvering to get us in this mess.. you can't expect Obama to turn it around with a snap of his fingers. The thought that we can once again shift control of the House and Senate to the obstructionist party of Republicans just makes me want to puke (and since I've done a lot of that up top here I think I'll need a new bucket..LOL). Anyway.. that is what is on my mind at 11:39pm this night.

Now.. I'm going to watch Rizzoli and Isles and then I'm off to bed. For tomorrow I have another day of watching my phone waiting for it to ring.. oh it will ring, but it will most likely be a bill collector seeing as in the divorce I'm left holding the bag of all the ex's shitty decisions and am forced into bankruptcy.. LOL.. If only the caller on the other end was that job I applied for (or any of the other 15 or so applications I sent in).

Hey.. I'm an overall positive person.. just sometimes I need to vent. Tonight was one of those times.

Ah.. and please don't take offense to what I've posted here.. just venting.. I suppose some of my statements may seem blanket, and there may be exceptions to some of those that I blanket in with it..if you know what I mean. Ah , heck.. it's late and I'm talking gibberish.. LOL
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